Light Sources, Colliders & Material/Energy Science


Enabling new discoveries
Higher performance
Lower footprint and energy conumption

Discover the world of high-energy physics with ScandiNova. Our reliable and performance-driven product portfolio, including high-voltage RF units, Magnets&Coils, Amplifiers, and precision Power supplies, makes us a trusted partner for leading institutes and laboratories worldwide. Our solutions cater to diverse scientific applications, from colliders, and synchroton light sources  to free electron lasers. Explore our references to see how ScandiNova contributes to advancing scientific research and other applications.

CERN - Pulsed power for new discoveries

ScandiNova Systems AB

ScandiNova contributes to the brightest x-ray light in the world

The newly inaugurated MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden is providing scientists with the brightest X-ray light in the world. The emitted electron beam is accelerated by 20 ScandiNova RF systems with patented solid state technology.

November15th, 2022

RF units from ScandiNova will be powering the new accelerator at Canadian Light Source

Uppsala, Sweden, November 15, 2022. ScandiNova Systems AB, a leading provider of new generation high-voltage pulsed power systems, has received an order for two high-power RF units from RI Research Instruments GmbH. The RF units will be powering the new high performance particle accelerator, developed by RI Research Instruments GmbH as the new injector Linac for the Canadian Light Source in Saskatchewan, Canada. Delivery is expected to take place in autumn 2023.

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