The order from ScandiNova Systems covers design, manufacture, delivery, and installation of two solid-state high-voltage pulse modulators. The modulators will be driving CPI Klystrons and deliver at least 6 MW RF Peak Power. Maximal RF pulse length is 3 µs with a pulse repetition frequency range of 1-50 Hz. The order also includes power supplies for the klystron heater, bias and focus magnet.
The resolution of the X-band system poses very strict requirements on the pulse stability (˂20 ppm, RMS), flatness (better than +/- 1.0%) and jitter (˂10 ns).
– We are honored to receive this order from DESY, and thereby contributing to next generation scientific research, says Mikael Lindholm, Senior Vice President, Sales&Marketing at ScandiNova Systems.
For more information, please contact:
Erik Sundström, Head of Communications, ScandiNova Systems AB
+46 70 395 33 95