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Photo: Christer Nilsson

Uppsala, Sweden, 1 October 2020. ScandiNova Systems AB, a world leader in new generation pulsed power systems, moves into newly built modern premises in Uppsala Science Park, Fyrislund. The new factory and office premises span over a total of 4000 m2 and consist of two buildings. Facilities that are designed and built to meet the company’s rapid expansion and ever-increasing demands for efficient series production and project-driven production for customers in all client segments.

New office group photo

The new premises are strategically located in the outskirts of Uppsala, only 25 minutes from Stockholm Arlanda Airport.

– It feels fantastic to take the next step in the company’s development. The new premises give us great opportunities to continue our growth journey together with our customers and develop in all areas, from research and development to engineering and manufacturing, says Fredrik Mella, CEO at ScandiNova Systems.

Built to meet expansion and future requirements

The move is an important milestone in the company’s development. Since 2005, ScandiNova’s head office and production has been situated in Ultuna, Uppsala, but with an annual production of about 300 pulse modulators, a large increase in staff and an expected continued strong growth, we have outgrown the old premises. The production capacity of the new facility makes it possible to multiply today’s volumes.

In addition to modern tailor-made production facilities, offices and meeting spaces are designed to create an innovative, flexible and sustainable work environment. Both buildings are equipped with solar panels on the roof and the parking lot offers 20 charging stations.

– It has been a long and exciting journey in close collaboration with our customers that now has arrived to a major milestone for ScandiNova. The new facility is completely optimized and dedicated for further developing & producing high quality pulsed power systems for all our existing and new customers, says Mikael Lindholm, Founder and Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing at ScandiNova Systems.


Fredrik Mella, CEO and Mikael Lindholm,  Founder and Senior VP Sales and Marketing (photo: Christer Nilsson)

A gradual move

The relocation will take place gradually during the period of end of September 2020 to March 2021. During this period, production will be moved gradually from today’s premises, at the pace that is possible to still secure our deliveries. According to the current schedule, the first modulators are expected to leave the new factory as early as November 2020.


Photo: Christer Nilsson

Address of new premises: Typsnittsgatan 15, 754 54 Uppsala, Sweden.

News release, Swedish version

For more information, please contact:

Erik Sundström, Head of Communications, ScandiNova Systems AB, +46 70 395 33 95,

About ScandiNova

Thanks to its breakthrough technology, ScandiNova is a world leader in the development and production of Pulsed Power Systems with high power levels for use in MedTech, Industrial and Science applications. The company’s product range covers pulse modulators, generators, turnkey radio frequency (RF) systems, E-gun modulators and Pulsed Electric Field Modulators all equipped with Solid State technology.

These systems have key functions in several Scientific-based applications and radiotherapy, as well as in cargo inspection, non-destructive testing, industrial X-ray, sterilization and other industrial uses.

More than 95% of production is exported to clients in over 45 countries, mainly in Europe, Asia and North America. ScandiNova Systems AB, a spin-off from Scanditronix, was founded in 2001 by individuals with long commercial and technical experience in pulsed-power applications. The company, which has its head-office in Uppsala, Sweden, has 80 employees plus sales representatives in key regions around the world.


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