New record of participants at ScandiNova Users' Meeting

Uppsala, Sweden, June 20, 2016. ScandiNova’s 6th User Meeting, which this year took place in Shanghai, China, attracted some 60 participants from Europe, North America and Asia. Attendees represented a wide range of applications within science, medical and the industrial field, as well as leading manufacturers of accelerators, klystrons and RF equipment. Opportunities for knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences within and across the different application fields were plenty.

2016 marks ScandiNova’s 15th anniversary and the program began with the story of how the company was founded and the journey to its position as today’s world-leader in pulsed power systems.

The main news on the agenda was the launch of the company’s new generation of pulsed power systems featuring even greater ease of use, more diagnostics, improved performance, increased reliability and a new modern design of the products. The new generation includes klystron-based systems (K-Series), magnetron-based systems (M-Series) and pulse generator systems (PG-Series).

Different users from a wide range of application areas presented their experiences of using the ScandiNova Modulators. Presentations were made by CERN, Tsinghua University, CPI, RadiaBeam, Canadian Light Source, AVO and SINAP. All customers testified mainly to the high performance of ScandiNova products, essential for demonstrating outstanding results so that each user in turn can develop into leaders in their respective fields. Hearing great reviews about ScandiNova’s customer support was especially gratifying.


A new concept for this year was the split of the training sessions into our three key technology areas – Klystron systems, Magnetron Systems and the Control System.  The split was necessary as a natural consequence of ScandiNova’s growing customer base that brings with it a greater spread of uses plus more needs / experiences to deal with. The commitment to these sessions was strong, especially regarding our new control system; many useful comments and valuable ideas were noted.

Another new concept was collecting questions and suggestions from participants. These questions were then answered and discussed by a panel of ScandiNova experts. The input and ideas received will be of great value in further developing and improving our product offering.

On the final day, participants enjoyed the privilege of visiting the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP). We were given a much-appreciated guided tour of the synchrotron plant and the just completed building prepared for installation of the ne X-FEL system (Free Electron Laser).

This visit marked a successful completion of the 2016’s User Meeting, which hit a record high in the number of participants and that gave both us and our clients valuable new insights.

We hope to welcome even more visitors to next year’s event, which will be held in Geneva (May 10-12, 2017) and – of course – feature the opportunity to make a visit at CERN!

/ ScandiNova team

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