First ground broken for the new ScandiNova Uppsala Office and Production Plant

First ground broken for the new ScandiNova Uppsala Office and Production Plant

Photo: Martin Kelam

On Friday, October 4th, representatives from ScandiNova, the municipality, Reimnor Holding AB and the local media gathered to mark the construction start of the brand new ScandiNova office and plant site in Uppsala.

In september 2020, ScandiNova Systems will reach another important company milestone. If everything goes as planned, ScandiNova’s new combined HQ office and production site in Uppsala Science Park, Fyrislund, will be ready for occupancy.

First ground broken for the new ScandiNova Uppsala Office and Production Plant

The new facilities, measuring a total of 4000 m2,, will contain two buildings with modern office premises and a factory for production of the company’s market-leading solid state products, such as modulators for cancer treatment, X-ray of goods and scientific research. The new plant is a very important piece in the company’s future expansion.

“It feels incredible to be under way! There is a lot of positive energy, questions and desire for the move inhouse. The fact that the building permit was handled so quickly is very gratifying. We have a very good collaboration with the municipality”, says Andreas Wallner, COO, ScandiNova Systems.

First ground broken for the new ScandiNova Uppsala Office and Production Plant

The first ground has been broken

The first ground was broken by Erik Pelling, Chairman of the Municipal Council in Uppsala, Bo Falk, partner at Reimnor Holding AB and Fredrik Mella, CEO of ScandiNova Systems AB. Uppsala’s leading newspaper, Upsala Nya Tidning (UNT), covered the historic moment.

The problem for us as a company right now is that we are too crowded. This is a necessary investment. Within three to five years, the plan is to double the number of employees from 75 to 150 and multiply our revenue. Last year we had a total revenue of 175 million SEK”, Fredrik Mella, CEO of ScandiNova, told reporters.

Responsible builder is Reimnor BTJ AB, a subsidiary of the Reimnor Group, which owns and builds industrial houses in Uppsala.

For more information, please contact:

Erik Sundström, Head of Communications, ScandiNova Systems AB
+46 70 395 33 95

About ScandiNova

Thanks to its breakthrough technology, ScandiNova is a world leader in the development and production of Pulsed Power Systems with high power levels. The company’s product range covers pulse modulators, generators, turnkey radio frequency (RF) systems and E-gun modulators, all equipped with Solid State technology.

These systems have key functions in several research-based applications and radiotherapy, as well as in cargo inspection, non-destructive testing, industrial X-ray, sterilization and other industrial uses.

More than 95% of the production is exported to clients in over 40 countries, mainly in Europe, Asia and North America. ScandiNova Systems AB, a spin-off from Scanditronix, was founded in 2001 by individuals with long commercial and technical experience in pulsed-power applications. The company, which has its head-office in Uppsala, Sweden, has 75 employees plus sales representatives in key regions around the world.

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